Kravjek Castle

Kravjek Castle (Slovene: Grad Kravjek, German: Schloss Weineck) is a ruined castle located northwest of Muljava, in Lower Carniola, Slovenia.


Kravjek had once been one of the more important castles of the Duchy of Carinthia. Its first owners were the dukes Spanheim, who managed the castle via their ministeriales. This practice provides for the castle's first indirect mention via a 1243 record of a legal proceeding, in which a "Friderik castellanus de Weinek"[1] was called as a witness. The castle is next implied in 1254, when its castellan Rajnboto of Jetrbenšek, ministerialis of duke Ulrik III, donated two farms and two vineyards to Stična Abbey.

The first direct record of the castle dates from 1256, in an agreement signed by the brothers Ulrik and Phillip of Salzburg, dividing their inheritance. Ulrik received Ljubljana Castle and Kostanjevica Castle, while Phillip took possession of the Carinthian castles Himmelberg and Wernberg, as well as the castles of Sostro and Kravjek.[2]

Phillip sold Kravjek in 1279 to the Patriarchate of Aquileia[3]. It remained a personal fief of the Dukes of Carinthia until 1335, when it passed among the holdings of the duchy itself.


  1. ^ Kos, Dušan; Med gradom in mestom, pg. 26
  2. ^ A. Jaksch, Monumenta historica ducatus Carinthiae. Vierter Band, No. 2627, pg. 490
  3. ^ Jaksch, o.c., Fünfter Band, štev. 246.Cf Mittheilungen des instituts für österreichische Geschchtsforschung. XXII.Band. Innsbruck 1901, str. 456
